Taoiseach Varadkar gives keynote address on Importance of Student Debate

Bo Seo giving the first respondent speech

More than ever before, student debate and action has been at the forefront of social and political change globally. From the Hong Kong Democracy Movement which grew out of the Hong Kong Federation for Students, to union elections being the primary outlet for political expression in occupied Palestine, university campuses continue to be an epicentre of historic events.

We explored the importance of student debate at today’s event with speeches from Taoiseach Leo Varadker, author and champion debater Bo Seo, TCDSU President László Molnárfi, and student speakers Maggie Larson, Malika Maniar, and Andy Cullinan.

You can watch the recording of this event on our YouTube linked below.

Left to right: TCDSU President László Molnárfi, champion debater and author Bo Seo, and Taoiseach Leo Varadkar